Cezar's reflections

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Google's bold moves

There are many comments around Google lately: Android, 700 MHz radio band auction, Open Social API, Moon challenge. These are things so much bigger, that can make a stronger impact on our life than the buzz around Google docs from some time ago, was that only because it targets Office? And because Office brings a lot of money to Microsoft? Most probably.

But the latest stuff around Google, are bold moves into wild new territory, the kind of moves it made Google what it is today. Will these moves break Google? If not, it will make it bigger and more powerful than ever. Is there such a "Plan behind Google" as my friend Mihai Budiu very well put it into his article.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Building a home theater

Today I found this very interesting article: Designing FiringSquad’s Reference Home Theaters. I may be getting in more details for average Joe, but if you are a little technical it's perfect. It has a wealth of information for example recommended TV sizes for distance from viewer, backed by standard organizations, or getting in the details of signal broadcasting standards, something that I was always interested in finding out. It also gives specific examples of models which implement or not one of the features they talk about.

FiringSquad did a very good job with this article, putting a lot of good information in one place for anybody in the market for a new TV or Audio electronics.

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